Mia Cao
Student since December 2017

What inspired you to try pole dance?
My friend who pole dances in South Korea and posts photos of her awesome tricks all the time.
What are your other hobbies and interests?
Eating, movies, and going to warm places around the world.
Follow me on Instagram! @mia.yuan
What is your career?
Marketing Program Management and Promotional Modeling
How has Pole Dancing changed you and impacted your life?
It has given me more motivation to work out so that I can be stronger and accomplish more moves. It also has helped me make more friends, and gives me a topic to surprise people with when I meet them. It has given me more structure in my life at a time when pretty much anything can change in a moment, but pole is still reliably every week. Also, I now realize how inflexible my hips are… and have the opportunity to work on that and on pointing my toes!

What do you like about positive Spin?
It is a community studio. Alyssa really cares about her students, and it’s a place where everyone can feel included. Students support each other and cheer each other on, even though it isn’t actually a team sport.
What has been the proudest moment of your pole journey?
When I managed to get upside down for the first time! Now I just have to figure out how to climb things and twist my hips while being upside down.
What is something people are surprised to learn about you?
That I eat and travel. A lot. Like…really A LOT.
What advice would you give to new polers?
Things will hurt, but not forever. You’ll get to make new friends and learn new moves on the pole. And you’ll definitely get stronger!