Meet Jamilah Williams: Positive Spin Student of the Month

Jamilah Williams

Student since January 2018

What inspired you to try pole dance?

I’ve always been impressed by pole dancers and thought it would be a fun skill to learn!

What are your other hobbies and interests?

Crocheting, eating good food, trying to make my cat Instagram famous @jezebel.the.tortoiseshell.

What is your career?

Digital Communications Specialist for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii.

Why did you choose positive spin?

I saw an ad on Facebook for a trial week and after looking at the website, it seemed like a fun, empowering, and positive 🙂 studio to try!

How has Pole Dancing changed you and impacted your life?

I am so much stronger and more flexible than when I started. I’m proud to tell everyone about what I’ve learned each week and I love getting to see just how strong my body really is.

What has been the proudest moment of your pole journey?

I want to say everything ha! I’m proud of myself for sticking with it. Pole is hard ya’ll! But I love getting to see the progress I make each class.

What is something people are surprised to learn about you?

I was born in Canada, eh!

What advice would you give to new polers?

Stick with it and know that everyone is at a different point in their pole journey.