Meet Alexandria: Positive Spin Student of the Month


Student since October 2017

What inspired you to try pole dance?

It looked like a really freeing and fun way to get fit!

What are your other hobbies and interests?

Theatre, singing, and game development! I love anything that has the power to be art.

What is your career?

Software engineer!

How has Pole Dancing changed you and impacted your life?

I’ve gotten so much stronger, emotionally and physically! I can do things I never thought possible and I feel braver than I ever have before.

What has been the proudest moment of your pole journey?

The moment I could do a figure 4! (pictured to the right)

It may not be the most complicated thing I can do now, but that was probably the first moment I felt really beautiful on the pole.

What is something people are surprised to learn about you?

I’m actually super clumsy when I’m not on the pole! I’ve been known to fall going *up* the stairs!

What advice would you give to new polers?

Find what it is in pole that draws you, and go with it. Ask questions, and figure out how to reach whatever it is you’re drawn to. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or sounding silly!


In conclusion, I want to say thank you to everyone at Positive Spin for being so kind. It’s really helped me to learn to love myself.