
Elle (Any Pronouns)

IG: @elle.lectrum

Admin staff/Outreach Coordinator

Instructor – all Levels pole tricks, flex

Party instructor

A white fem-presenting person does a true-grip ayesha in dark rainbow lighting on the pole. They have long hair and you can see part of the Positive Spin logo behind them.

I’m absolutely stoked to be on the staff at Positive Spin! I’ve dabbled in various sorts of dance since I was a kid, and I decided to add pole to my roster in 2018 when I took my first class from Alyssa at the original Positive Spin location. I love how pole incorporates fitness with dance, musicality and sensual expression.
The Positive Spin studio is exactly the kind of inclusive, supportive community I’m always in search of, and I’m honored to be a part of it. 

My personal mission is to increase sex worker inclusivity (and decrease stigma around sex work) in the world of pole fitness, which sadly isn’t always a given despite the art form itself having been created by and for sex workers.
When I’m not on a pole, I can be found adventuring with my dog, dancing or DJing at blues and fusion dance events, or curled up with my cat watching horror movies.
