Meet Meredith: Positive Spin Student of the Month


Student since September 2017

What inspired you to try pole dance?

I’ve been dancing my whole life but have always wanted to try pole! I really admired the combination of flexibility and strength that it requires, and wanted to build on those skills myself.

What are your other hobbies and interests?

I love reading fantasy novels, gaming, and going out with friends!

What is your career?

I teach gymnastics to kids.

How has Pole Dancing changed you and impacted your life?

Pole dancing has become one of my main hobbies and forms of exercise! I’ve never had much muscle before or ever done any strength training, and it’s been so cool to see myself getting stronger through pole. I have more confidence than before and have met some really great people!

What do you like about positive Spin?

Positive Spin is so much different than any other studio I’ve been to. I really benefit from the individualized instruction and love the smaller class sizes. It’s awesome that everyone can go at their own pace and the community is so positive (haha) and supportive!

What has been the proudest moment of your pole journey?

So far, my proudest moment was getting my invert for the first time. It took me a while to figure out so when I finally got it I was so excited! Now I invert all the time!

What is something people are surprised to learn about you?

Actually, that I pole dance! It is a great conversation starter. When people find out they usually end up wanting to try it themselves!

What advice would you give to new polers?

Practice, practice, practice! You’ll be surprised at what you can achieve. If something is tricky for you, just keep trying! Eventually it will happen. I’m still working on my superman but I know I’ll get it soon!