
Alyssa (she/her)

IG: @alyssagabriellepole

Studio owner, Pole leadership Program Manager
Instructor- all levels pole tricks, Flexibility

White femme person with dark hair and glasses does an allegra on the pole against a pink wall that has a Positive Spin decal. She is smiling and looking at the camera and is wearing red pole shorts and a dark sports bra.

Hi! My name is Alyssa and I started pole dancing in 2014 in Beloit, Wisconsin. When I moved to Seattle in 2016, I was quickly and unexpectedly laid off from the job I had moved for and began teaching pole out of my bedroom.

Together with my early students, we created a vision of an inclusive pole space that centers community and queer experiences.

One of my favorite things about pole is the normalization of being an adult beginner Prior to finding pole dance in my 20s, I was a composer and music director, and I had never done any kind of dance or sports, so everything was very new and unfamiliar! Now I get to work with adult beginners of all ages as they embark on their pole adventures!

I cannot express my gratitude for the amazing staff and students who have helped to form this truly unique and life changing space! I still can’t believe that I get to call hanging upside down with you all my job!
